Trenton PEERS (MillHill)

Trenton PEERS (Performing, Educating, and Engaging about Responsible Strategies) is a year-round leadership program preparing Trenton Central High School students to become PEER educators, graduate high school on time, and enter postsecondary education. The college prep focus ensures that all participants have a plan for their pathways after high school 

It involves peer education and mentoring via performing workshops about responsible choices for elementary/middle schools. Weekly meetings provide academic and social support while developing leadership and life skills. Students may be eligible for a stipend based on their participation/attendance.

Trenton PEERS is a program by the Millhill Child and Family Development.

Informational video: 


  • Submit an application
  • Complete an interview
  • Complete short answer responses

Applications accepted on a rolling basis as space is available


  • Trenton resident
  • Trenton HS student
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • School attendance of 85% or higher
  • Desire to pursue postsecondary education (college, trade school, military, etc.)
  • Willing to be a PEER role model and perform skits on responsible choices
  • Willing to attend weekly meetings, from 5-7:30 pm on either Mondays or Thursdays (dependent on grade level)

Point Person: Micayla Weissburg, Youth Engagement Manager


Phone: 609-989-7333 x122 or 410-212-5223 (cell)