4H STEM Ambassadors is a STEM-focused program encouraging youth to discover, explore and pursue science and research. Students spend a week at Rutgers, engaging in hands-on science activities, conducting their own projects, and exploring campus. Following the kickoff week, students volunteer with other 4H programs as ambassadors.
It includes campus tours, roundtable discussions with scientists and engineers, exposure to college life, physics demonstrations, leadership training, mentorship, and community service.
4H Youth Development is a program by Rutgers University.
- Submit an application
- Submit a transcript
- Submit an essay response
- Be interviewed
Applications are available in April
- Must be an 8th or 9th grader to apply
- From the greater Trenton area
- Willing to complete 50 hours volunteering with 4H annually
Point Person: Rodrigo Sanchez Hernandez, Rutgers Cooperative Extension 4-H Program Associate, Mercer County
Website: http://nj4h.rutgers.edu/stem-ambassadors.asp
Email: [email protected]